Must suck to having angry bitch face as your resting face.
A lot of feminists are actually created from the lack of attention from men, not the constant advances of them.
In time the realization of being unwanted wears on them, and builds until they hate all men. Then to cope they create a reality that turns them into crusaders, instead of the militant fuglies they often are.
I think it's more of a vicious cycle, where spoiled arrogant brats show their inner ugliness on their faces and then their bodies, because outwardly unhappy people usually hate themselves deeply. Jealousy of the doers and makers (actualized people) seethes and increases the more they observe the happiness differential. Their outer ugliness keeps growing and they continue this cycle into cognitive dissonance and fantasy. (The blame will lie partly on their parents, but each of us hits a coming-of-age moment where we choose our path, so at that point forward it's on them- unless they were abused severely, where recovery without outside help is difficult to impossible.)
This mental and emotional imbalance is why they're so emotionally fragile, hysterical, irrational and violent. Critical thinking, logic, reasoning and calm debate are impossible for them at minimum until their glass house is shattered, sadly maybe not even then.
Must suck to having angry bitch face as your resting face.
A lot of feminists are actually created from the lack of attention from men, not the constant advances of them.
In time the realization of being unwanted wears on them, and builds until they hate all men. Then to cope they create a reality that turns them into crusaders, instead of the militant fuglies they often are.
I think it's more of a vicious cycle, where spoiled arrogant brats show their inner ugliness on their faces and then their bodies, because outwardly unhappy people usually hate themselves deeply. Jealousy of the doers and makers (actualized people) seethes and increases the more they observe the happiness differential. Their outer ugliness keeps growing and they continue this cycle into cognitive dissonance and fantasy. (The blame will lie partly on their parents, but each of us hits a coming-of-age moment where we choose our path, so at that point forward it's on them- unless they were abused severely, where recovery without outside help is difficult to impossible.)
This mental and emotional imbalance is why they're so emotionally fragile, hysterical, irrational and violent. Critical thinking, logic, reasoning and calm debate are impossible for them at minimum until their glass house is shattered, sadly maybe not even then.