It was. But the CIA was dismantled last year. CIA anon on 8kun popped on the day that it happened. Just look at their updated website for good laughs. The white hats put people into leader positions at all media companies. I believe these media organizations played along until the Storm, letting selective articles out.
Ever notice how Newsweek publishes articles that are seemingly related to the Q plan? Just who bought it last time?
They were the ones who published the article about continuity of government and the PEADS in 2021. Also others that I can’t remember right now…
Newsweak (sp) is a Company owned and ran newsrag.
It was. But the CIA was dismantled last year. CIA anon on 8kun popped on the day that it happened. Just look at their updated website for good laughs. The white hats put people into leader positions at all media companies. I believe these media organizations played along until the Storm, letting selective articles out.
Agreed, with some exceptions.
The 'rogues' still doing what rogues do.