"Defending Democracy," not "Defending the Republic."
"30 Mil[lion] Precincts and vote-by-mail ballots meticulously produced each election cycle."
So they are producing ballots and then trucking them in to be counted? That sounds crooked to me.
And their big testimonial comes from Maricopa County?
"Runbeck Elections is a subject matter expert on process. They are always involved and want to know more. Runbeck is reliant as a partner not a vendor; their competence helps them identify issues before they become an issue.
Rey Valenzuela
Director of Elections, Maricopa County Elections"
"Defending Democracy," not "Defending the Republic."
"30 Mil[lion] Precincts and vote-by-mail ballots meticulously produced each election cycle."
So they are producing ballots and then trucking them in to be counted? That sounds crooked to me.
And their big testimonial comes from Maricopa County?
"Runbeck Elections is a subject matter expert on process. They are always involved and want to know more. Runbeck is reliant as a partner not a vendor; their competence helps them identify issues before they become an issue.
Rey Valenzuela Director of Elections, Maricopa County Elections"
Totally read Rey’s name as Venezuela.