If you take a wider view they use these imported workers for multiple reasons.
Can use as ‘diversity’ quotas —> boost DEI ESG points bullshit. Of course these imported workers are not citizens and not ‘minority’ in their own countries. So counting them as minority here makes no sense.
They are basically indentured servants who can be deported if they don’t toe the line of companies that hire them.
They don’t come from 1st amendment countries so why would they care if people are censored here? Censorship is normal from where they come from.
Obviously to also depress citizen wages.
Probably used for many other reasons (spies/hackers from foreign intel agencies etc).
If you take a wider view they use these imported workers for multiple reasons.
The caste system is institutionalized slavery/totalitarianism.
The British saw this quickly and used indians as slave masters. The equivalent of middle managers of today.
Why are there indians in South Africa? Guyana? The british took them there, to manage the slaves.
Today they are called big tech managers. But it's the same culture/type of people.
Yes you tend to see Indians hire Indians in US and elsewhere, the hiring laws notwithstanding.