You got my mind racing forward. Is their any data you know of that indicates benefit in the vaccinated from Ivermetin? That's the hopium I seek for my family members who got bamboozled.
I've read technical research (that I didn't fully understand) about NAC being very useful to reduce the vaccine effects. It doesn't have anything like the amazing track record of IVM.
Edited: I meant IVM's track record across many medical issues. I haven't seen studies regarding it's use for vaccine relief.
its on Instagram.... anywhere I can see it like bitchute or Rumble?????
Not that I can find. It's on this TS post:
This is a Great Find. Thank you sooo much!
You got my mind racing forward. Is their any data you know of that indicates benefit in the vaccinated from Ivermetin? That's the hopium I seek for my family members who got bamboozled.
/u/20-guage do you have anything at your fingertips to help them?
picked up a list.
Info on Aspirin & clots
Good link for sources of cheap meds if needed.
I've read technical research (that I didn't fully understand) about NAC being very useful to reduce the vaccine effects. It doesn't have anything like the amazing track record of IVM. Edited: I meant IVM's track record across many medical issues. I haven't seen studies regarding it's use for vaccine relief.
not on instagram; TS is playing games right now--making me sign in and then not accepting my login sick of this
here's a link:
THANK YOU!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!