The question Elon the sort of man who would poison his own well...or is it his enemies?
Now, a clever man would put the poison in his own well, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what was given (warning to Trump).
Trump is clearly not a great fool, so he clearly would not choose what's in front of him.
But Elon must know he's not a great fool...and would have counted on clearly he can not choose to join.
Being African and a former (?) blackhat....criminals are not used to trusting people, so clearly he trusts neither Trump nor the Cabal.
Wait til i get going........where was I? Oh yes.....Africa....
The question Elon the sort of man who would poison his own well...or is it his enemies?
Now, a clever man would put the poison in his own well, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what was given (warning to Trump).
Trump is clearly not a great fool, so he clearly would not choose what's in front of him.
But Elon must know he's not a great fool...and would have counted on clearly he can not choose to join.
Being African and a former (?) blackhat....criminals are not used to trusting people, so clearly he trusts neither Trump nor the Cabal.
Wait til i get going........where was I? Oh yes.....Africa....