Not disagreeing that protecting abortion is horrifying, but this tweet is missing some psychology we need to overcome if we’re going to wake people up.
All of the issues he lists—unaffordable housing, insane food and fuel prices, WWIII—are reasons people who defend abortion use to rationalize the choice to kill a child.
“How could I bring a baby into this world?”
“Why would I want to have a kid if I can’t provide for them?”
“No one should be forced to have a child when they can’t afford to feed/house/clothe themselves/we have a climate apocalypse” etc.
They don’t see that they’re voting people in that continue to oppress them and cause these issues. Some of them just say, “I shouldn’t be forced to bring kids into this.”
yes, there is a big deficit in education at different levels. women need fathers, a good education, and a home to build with the help of a responsible man. They need agency and meaning.
Not disagreeing that protecting abortion is horrifying, but this tweet is missing some psychology we need to overcome if we’re going to wake people up.
All of the issues he lists—unaffordable housing, insane food and fuel prices, WWIII—are reasons people who defend abortion use to rationalize the choice to kill a child.
“How could I bring a baby into this world?”
“Why would I want to have a kid if I can’t provide for them?”
“No one should be forced to have a child when they can’t afford to feed/house/clothe themselves/we have a climate apocalypse” etc.
They don’t see that they’re voting people in that continue to oppress them and cause these issues. Some of them just say, “I shouldn’t be forced to bring kids into this.”
yes, there is a big deficit in education at different levels. women need fathers, a good education, and a home to build with the help of a responsible man. They need agency and meaning.