Okay, I'm not trying to forum slide, but I have something incredibly stupid I have to know.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
...Did anyone ever ask Q what Covfefe meant before s/he went dark?
That's very interesting. What do you think about the writer of the new Q posts?
Great question. To me the last few drops have either been by the original Q poster, or someone who emulates that style. We could speculate all day as to why different posters were active over the past 5 years but we would probably be wrong.
Duty assignments, personnel reshuffling, even prosaic causes like illness, vacation, or family matters could be in play. We may never know the full story of the Q Team until after The Plan has been thoroughly fulfilled and the books are written and the players come forward.
And if the military intelligence members are psy-op operators, we may NEVER know who they are.
But rather than focus on "who is Q" I think it is more important to not lose sight of the actual drops and what they mean. Just my 2-cents' worth.
Thanks. I'm not focusing at all on who is Q, rather whether new Q is legit.
Got it. So I do believe the current Q is of the original Q team, so yes, I believe the drops are legitimate. Of course we are all entitled to our opinions, and that is mine.
Thanks. I appreciate your observation.