Everything after the ‘?’ is a tracker. You can just delete and it makes it harder for twitter (and other websites) to track where people are coming from:
Direct URL: https://twitter.com/NHL/status/1595076956852260865
URL WITH TRACKER: https://twitter.com/NHL/status/1595076956852260865?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1595076956852260865%7Ctwgr%5E55d4e413c053a46dc6cede5654205750c969ad14%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatawakening.win%2Fp%2F16ZEE5Vann%2Fnhl-goes-woke-af%2Fc%2F
Just want to point out as it was a noob that asked, this is for Twitter and other sites, but many times you don't want to just go off randomly stripping it off. Pages you care about may need that stuff to work.
Great job stripping the tracker, OP
Everything after the ‘?’ is a tracker. You can just delete and it makes it harder for twitter (and other websites) to track where people are coming from:
Hey thanks.
when you copy/paste from Twitter you will see a "?" early on in the URL. Everything after and including the "?" is a tracker.
The OP only copied the tweet bit and left off the tracker when posting - so Twitter get no info about where the tweet was posted.
Just want to point out as it was a noob that asked, this is for Twitter and other sites, but many times you don't want to just go off randomly stripping it off. Pages you care about may need that stuff to work.
Ty, I try, I try :)