Is he anti-jew, or just calling a spade a spade? Are they the same thing? Who makes the rules? Cause I can tell you a lot of Catholics are taking a lot of abuse right now and we are not imposing our will on folks ... oh, snap ... forgot about the intelligence agencies we run ... the Catholics do not "overtly" impose their will on folks.
Is he anti-jew, or just calling a spade a spade? Are they the same thing? Who makes the rules? Cause I can tell you a lot of Catholics are taking a lot of abuse right now and we are not imposing our will on folks ... oh, snap ... forgot about the intelligence agencies we run ... the Catholics do not "overtly" impose their will on folks.
I hope you can answer this. Why do Protestants refer to themselves as Christians, but Catholics refer to themselves as Catholics?
My guesss: Likely Englands separation from the catholic church.