Yesterday USA Today published an oped essentially blaming Republicans and “hideous anti-LGBTQ rhetoric” for the Q nightclub shooting.....Today USA Today had to report that the shooter actually identifies as non-binary 🤣..
Anybody know any anti-LGBTQ Republicans that identify as non-binary? 😂
🧠 These people are stupid...
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While I'm not on board with the theory that it was a false flag, people tend to forget that false flags aren't all crisis actors in a staged event. Most things we know as false flags are real events with real bodies that were pushed by a different entity than the person who committed it.
Crisis actors tend to come in to these situations to make it seem more gruesome and drag your heart strings out further to make you more emotionally invested in whatever they're trying to push (Ukraine, gun control, etc.)
I wonder how many people resort to the "crisis actors/it was fake" narrative because they're unable to accept that the government is more than willing to kill innocent people to advance their agenda.
Solid question, especially when they know they see us as nothing but fodder to begin with