"What’s taking so long? If we have all the evidence, then why haven’t they exposed the fraud and overturned the 2020 election? Why did they also let them get away with stealing the midterms? When is the military going to step in?
That last question is the big one."
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
I guess it's either that or we don't get Trump as President like we want, there's some other end plan. These days I'm getting more concerned with the climate catastrophe cycle, politics is starting to seem trivial.
The climate catastrophe cycle? You worried about muh climate change?
I hope he isn't... The earth is an almost 8,000 mile in diameter of molten metal, and a slight variation of the Earth's tilt, or the impending fluctuations of the magnetosphere have more impact on anything we could do. Climate change is just the atmosphere and an easy fix for too much carbon is to plant more trees, they store carbon.
The major issue man is causing is that most of the fish in the oceans have been eaten and even that can be remedied, by eating less freaking fish.
Global Warming is the rally cry dreamed up to keep the Care Bears in line and crying.
Naw we're due for a 12,000 year cycle solar micro nova/pole shift. This is why the elites all have bunkers underground and are on the 2030 agenda timeline. https://youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers
Looks like we have some downvoters here. Pathetic.
Trump has said many times that we will be very happy soon. Election fraud is going to roll state by state. AZ is going to escalate after Monday.