I tried to tell my family about how dangerous the covid shot is.
They don't believe me. That our government and healthcare is committing genocide. They don't want to know. I don't know what to do or how else to tell them. For me it's life and death, I want to save them from killing themselves with this vaccine. they won't see what I show them. Whenever I send them links their response is always the same "stop sending me that crap", and tell me how misinformed I am.. I want to yell at them, but at the same time I have to hold my breath and be mature about it. Anyone else feel totally alienated like me?
EDIT: thank you all so much for the great responses!
Like this, there’s just something about this that doesn’t seem organic(?). I don’t know if that’s the right way to describe what I’m feeling, but my subconscious is definitely telling me something isn’t lining up.
Logically it doesn’t seem to make since that white hats are in full control, yet,,, they are “still” allowing the vaxx to poison Americans.
There was a point in this show about two years ago where I could somehow rationalize Biden(?) being an actor, white hats running the awakening behind the scenes and at the same time allowing the vaxx to hurt ppl. But, at this point I have a hard time seeing how white hats could be allowing this and their actions/inaction not being considered a crime against humanity. Casualties of war is a real thing and I accept them for what they are, but a die off of a billion ppl that could have been prevented, no mater the “possible” ramifications, in my book is murder.
This has been debated here a million different ways and much of that debate ends up with “they had a choice and they chose wrong”. Now take that statement and compare it to our rage at big pharma for what it’s been doing to us through lies and manipulation of data and studies. This awakening is suppose to end all that the best it can, so it doesn’t make sense that the same ppl trying to protect us by showing us the truth would also allow million to die off from that at this stage in the game/show.
Now, if you can’t tell white hats are in full control then I will understand you still fully believing that the vaxx is still hurting folks. That said, all you OG’s here should at least be considering this as a possibility.
Sorry if this was written poorly, I’m restoring furniture and trying to keep up with you GLORIOUS BASTARDS :)
Millions are less than Billions. Maybe white hats are in control as far as "Check mate in 7 move" but that's still seven moves away. NCSWIC still means you are might lose your 1. Knight, 2. Bishop, 3/4. Two pawns, 5. Rook, and 6. Another Pawn and now checkmate. They couldn't stop it but those satanic bastards will continue to kill to the very end. Returning power to the people doesn't mean herding them from the black hats corral over to the white hat corral. It means opening the gate and letting those wild horses go where they want. Some of those horses may walk to the pretty berries in the marsh and get stuck while others choose the tall grass on the firm mountain side. Freedom isn't free. Everyone must do something. That 8 year old girl that stood up to the school and refused to wear a mask is a demon slaying warrior. The highly trained officer that rolled up their sleeve for a mystery shot after lying on the form that certified they were fully informed is not a warrior or a victim. They were both given a choice.
I agree with all that.
There is a Q post that talks about taking every step possible to protect Americans during this time or something like that. And, we have been told there will not be a civil war. Both of those statements are antithetical to the idea that the Q team would allow the cabal to murder millions, especially at this stage in the show. It also tells me the Q team is in FULL control.
The vaxx is only made by a handful of companies and it would not be that hard for the American military to step in and stop them. If you’re thinking ppl would lose their shit if that happened, well,, they don’t have to do it where everyone knows what’s happened, they can be covert. The idea that millions need to be “taught a lesson” by dying is ridiculous, who would be taught that lesson, us? You can’t teach a dead man a lesson, so the only thing we would get out of this is the culling of Millions of duped ppl.
I’m sorry, but if white hats are trying to cull out or allow for the culling of the weaker minds of society then they are as evil as all the other genocidal maniacs that came before them and I don’t believe that to be true.
**We believe we are supporting a group that wants to stop an evil cabal of elitist fucktards from killing a billion ppl for the sake of control and planetary health. We believe many have already been arrested. We believe we are watching a show, yet, for some reason we still see Anons thinking all that is true, but,, yeah,, their allowing a vaxx that was specifically designed by the fucktards to bring in their wildest dreams to do just that.?. Hell No,,, that doesn’t work!
I’m thinking that in the end there will be a lot of Anons that will be taught a lesson about humanity and the great extent white hats went to teach that lesson to them. This experience has taken me to a place where my humanity has been challenged, specifically with some family members. That said, no matter how hard that experience with them has become I do not wish death on a billion ppl, nor do I support letting a billion ppl die for the sake of future generations. That is how the mind of a genocidal maniac thinks, not mine and hopefully not most Anons.