Anyone addressed the points in the "Daily Sceptic's" attack on the absolutely amazing "Died Suddenly" documentary? If you've seen something about this or an article rebutting them, please share in comments! Already getting hit by some "friends" telling me that the documentary is garbage. 🤬
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
I love how every reply here is so long and only aims at stew and not the content, a couple people called funeral directors, one says it’s happening and the others don’t, seems like an assault on the movie happening here as well
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
I don't really like Stew (The Sky is Falling) Peters that much, so today I decided to ask our local funeral home director about the clots and he showed me the collection he has been saving. He said that he didn't know for 100% if they were all jabbed but the timing has him suspecting it. He said that now he is asking family members if their loved one were vaccinated when they are brought in. Pretty scary, when you think about it. If you were jabbed its like having a time bomb in you that could go off at any time. Lastly, knowing the guy, I figure he will be jacking the price up for the jabbed.
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
I know a funeral director in Illinois who confirmed these clots to me a year ago. No autopsies and its out of the medical community's hands.
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Stewed Peters. Recipe in movie.
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Holy sheeiiit, this site is riddled with fBi and rEdDiT goons. Stick with the content and stop attacking the fucking messenger.
It is and that's why we need to be aware of this kind of shit. Gotta be careful of the communist shills who don't look deeply enough into such topics to be aware of such insanities. The messengers are ALWAYS a big part of the message when you go into this territory.
Personally, being tethered to Stew Peters, I'll never watch it. His Dr Arden, rattlesnakes show was my very last straw, until his bullshit rap video, then I was up to my aura.. Fuck this guy, and if you don't know, do some research before you talk shit. Dudes a joker. Sad. People need something to believe in. Better dig out those old Poison cassettes. 🙄🙏 He isn't it.
I don't plan on watching the video. It's manifest that an unprecedented growing number of people are indeed dying suddenly. The made-up term of SADS is used as a cover up for vax☠xine induced death. Every day I see the ambulances. Never before in my long life have I seen so many on the roads and streets..
The snake venom "conspiracy theory" is being used to discredit anyone who disagrees with the official propaganda. Recognize this as a Saul Alinsky rule -- “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” and also he said-- "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” This was the same ploy the left used against Alex Jones who said the chemicals in insecticides and herbicides like Atrazine that was running off into the water shed were "turning frogs gay". Even Wikipedia cites this as being true. The use of Atrazine is nearly ubiquitous in farming and lawn care. "Atrazine has been a suspected teratogen, with some studies reporting causing demasculinization in male northern leopard frogs even at low concentrations,[49] and an endocrine disruptor,[50]." There's much more to what Alex Jones was reporting and he is at least mostly correct. Yet, the left used this against AJ to discredit him.
Likewise, the snake venom is being used against Stew Peters, who is at least partially correct here. To some people, it's a lot easier to join in the Left's propaganda campaign to discredit speakers. This acts in decapitating right-wing leaders.
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Stew is a total flake, I get the science, nicotine receptors etc...but really...the frogs turn gay on their on, like snails and worms. You sound like someone I wouldn't stand a chance in an argument with so I won't bother, but there's definitely something fucky with stewed peters. I like mine a bit more raw. I don't trust the fucker. Tell me where I'm wrong . He's a snake oil salesmen. And a shit rapper. Who knew. I thought that part was a joke, but it wasn't. He's usiythis for clout. Prove me wrong. I honestly hope you do. We need as much hope as possible.
I get your angst toward Stew Peters, but that may stem from unsavory sources opposed to our liberty. Beware of the Alinsky tactics. It's ironic that you seem to be agreeing with the leftists on Stew Peters though. They hate Stew Peters too. I simply don't know a lot about him or who funds him. It would be interesting to find out. I have watched a few of his videos in the past. To me, he's similar to an Alex Jones. Recall, the left did the same thing to Rush Limbaugh too. They hated him and tried to get rid of him by criminalizing him. It didn't work, but the these people play a very dirty game to eliminate patriotic voices.
You really need to read up on Atrazine. Go to Wikipedia. They even confirm the gender-bending Atrazine. There are sourced studies there for you to link to and read. AJ is really correct.
Anyway, sodomy is strictly anthropogenic. It doesn't exist in Nature. Nature's Laws are immutable.
This Jew has an agenda. I'd love to scrutinize his financials. You know, their game. We shOULD be able to freely play, but we can not. YET. AND KANYE IS NOT OUR SAVIOR. THATS RETARDED.
Kanye is something you brought up. I never did.
Did you see my remark above: https://communities.win/p/16ZWyaHM8t/x/c/4TnRD8pIRA0
I called a funeral director that I trust. They said that it wasn't happening.
Now, I understand vaccines may be regional with different side effects.
That is interesting! I had concluded based on posts from Steve kirsch and others that these clots are real but that the causes are not well understood. It seems not all embalmers are interested in speaking up about it, even if it is happening.
Stew Peters does not do a careful job and the video is riddled with errors, but the clots are one thing I have not seen claimed as false. Even the errors that do exist are mostly just exaggerations of a real effect or carelessness in citing examples, some of which are inaccurate.
I wish someone else had made this video properly but the fact is there already had been lots of coverage of this evidence, but none of it got this level of engagement. If this gets traction maybe it doesn't matter if it's completely accurate. So far, nobody I share this kind of info with will listen anyway...
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Yes its a bit of a head scratcher.I have a based person I know who owns several funeral homes in a large metropolitan area in the midwest and says their has not been any spikes in his numbers since pre covid. This comment was less then 90. days ago. Myself I know of 2 or 3 people by extension that its said they died of covid. I have a close friend who developed bells palsy in the last year but they are un jabbed.
I do believe what I am reading here, but I really have not seen either side of it.
I note with mask mandates, where I live it was about 50/50 on compliance unless the business forced it. I work with about 100 people and I would say 10-20 got covid. Some twice. (Masks were not required)
Important finding: author of article, Dr. Joshua Guetzkow, is a professor of Criminal justice and social policy; culture and policymaking; social control; law and society; sociology of knowledge; mental health at the Department of Sociology & Institute of Criminology for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has NO business writing the crap he has and this has completely invalidated the "dailysceptic.org" for me. See: https://en.law.huji.ac.il/people/joshua-guetzkow
Irrelevant to my post, and seems a bit agenda driven posting the same response to most main comment threads. But thank you for the info fren.