Jan6 patriot, iirc, posted about Kate making social media posts, seemingly exploiting a baby or toddler aged child (her post featured pics) but I don’t recall if the original post from Jan6 was from TS or Telegram. After someone made a post here I was made aware of it and it became a topic of discussion on this board (well known based people falling off the deep end). It could have been a hoax for all I know, but hopefully it will be addressed. The post is likely still here somewhere.
I've only heard echos of this drama. However, in my view, the devil will constantly seek to create division and mistrust through accusation, either founded or unfounded.
And the Great Awakening community is a big fat target he devil wants to undermine. Once again, we cannot escape the fact that for this work to advance, each participant needs to advance and grow internally, and not simply expose the external truth. IMO.
Jan6 patriot, iirc, posted about Kate making social media posts, seemingly exploiting a baby or toddler aged child (her post featured pics) but I don’t recall if the original post from Jan6 was from TS or Telegram. After someone made a post here I was made aware of it and it became a topic of discussion on this board (well known based people falling off the deep end). It could have been a hoax for all I know, but hopefully it will be addressed. The post is likely still here somewhere.
I've only heard echos of this drama. However, in my view, the devil will constantly seek to create division and mistrust through accusation, either founded or unfounded.
And the Great Awakening community is a big fat target he devil wants to undermine. Once again, we cannot escape the fact that for this work to advance, each participant needs to advance and grow internally, and not simply expose the external truth. IMO.