For those that asked, THIS was the post behind today's Twitter meme shit-show. Yep, OP got a "Dude, WTF??" modmail and by a short vacation. The entire mod team will mod this way. Sorry if the attempt at a cute meme rubbed some folks the wrong way. Just be cool and stay on mission is all we ask. Thx.

WTF does someone posting on Twatter have to do with their status here? And wth are mods here spending so much time concerned with what users here are posting on other sites... or even know that they are and what they posted? Seems hella stalkerish and if not even that, very much too time consuming for supposed simple messageboard mods to be wasting their time one. WTAF is going on?
This seems petty af
I have to cautiously agree NF, although I feel like I'm missing something (or somethings) here in terms of context.
Maybe you don't understand what the Q operation is. Do you think this is just a web forum for you to vent on? Its much more than that.
Once again, wtf does someone trying to red pill the Masses about the celeb pedos who post on Twitter have to do with banning users here? WTH is up with the censoring going on here? Ask yourself why this would, and shouldn't, be an issue. There have been a lot more useless threads posted here before and no one gave a shit.
Keep in mind that not every person is focused and interested in the same areas within this movement; which is supposed to be a GREAT awakening for EACH individual to take a path of their own accord via information presented to them rather than a journey through chattel chutes where everyone arrives at the same destination, at the same time all thinking the very exact same things at the very exact same time.
This is a misunderstanding and it's 100 % my fault. The user was posting about being banned twice on Twitter. Getting sniped on Twitter isn't anything to brag about. It means that you voluntarily disregarded 's instructions and got taken off the digital battlefield. Period.
No, it wasnt a misunderstanding. Not sure you realize, but people ARE still getting banned on Twitter for stupid shit. Because it ISNT a free speech site...like this one.
And WHAT instructions? Whos? Who is giving YOU instructions that you believe everyone here needs to apply to everywhere else within their digital media presence?
This is just some really weird shit, cat. I dont care what you think. Not normal behavior by any means. Is everything ok with you? (And I am genuinely asking)
Interesting how your comment not once asks "Why do we give a shit whether OP got banned on Twitter for something?" Like that's supposed to prove how ultra edgy we all are?
Whatever catsfive. Starting to wonder about your maturity here when you seem to post a LOT of drama-related threads here; ones you of course always sticky. Maybe it is being Canadian that you dont see the importance of having more freedoms to say what you want, to not toe the line for ANYONE, and maybe that people should question those, and be very cautious, of those who try to keep people ONLY thinking and acting a specific way. Hivemind thinking shouldn't be tolerated.
Just straight up censorship.
It is more than that; it is controlled & regulated thinking....the exact opposite of an "awakening".
It is the same with limiting what people are allowed to discuss here such as banning topics/comments about moon landings, clones, and all other things TPTB here have deemed "conspiracy theories". Whether they are conspiracy theories or not, people here should be able to discuss them and bounce ideas off one another on those topics; even with those who DONT believe in those theories, in an ADULT conversation, still being mature about the whole thing. People SHOULD be welcoming to having their formed beliefs challenged, to discover if WHY the stance they have on it has been arrived at after getting enough information on it to have done so or was formulated off the backs of others, in-person or online, through peer pressure to hold such a viewpoint.
Not ALL topics in any one place will ever be one that all are interested in, or knowledgable in, but when those at the top of the scope of the group strictly control discussion, no, it is far from an "awakening".
I'm trying to explain because people asked. Starting to wonder about a few other things, too.
Odd how you don't answer my question.
What question? Why should I give a damn if someone here has an account on Twitter that got banned for responding to SK? No, no I do not give one solid fuck. Maybe ask yourself why it is that people like SK, Bette Middler, Tom Hanks, Bill Gates, Fauci, and numerous others ARE on Twitter and that responses they dont like on their PUBLIC tweets can result in the person who tweeted or responded to them getting them suspended?
Looking back at this now, along with other threads you have both started and commented in:
Sometimes your username shows [M] and other times it does not. Why is that? Do you use two accounts here?