If you ignore history, crime statistics, medical science, biology, and everything else then all races are equal.
The reality is that there are substantial and significant differences that cannot be overcome by platitudes.
Some people are born smart. Others are born retarded. We should try to make a society that deals with both fairly. We should not pretend there are no stupid people.
Israel Wins either way at the cost of all those around them.
Blood Libel
You choose your path and I will walk mine but understand this is not the first time human kind has faced such extinction. If the Jews are truly Gods Chosen .... then they must be with Him to save the world.
💯 it is sad how they have so divided us in this country.
If you ignore history, crime statistics, medical science, biology, and everything else then all races are equal.
The reality is that there are substantial and significant differences that cannot be overcome by platitudes.
Some people are born smart. Others are born retarded. We should try to make a society that deals with both fairly. We should not pretend there are no stupid people.
Except Jews.
They made their bed and at the cost of countless men, women and children.
Good Jews serve Israel
Bad Jews Serve Israel
Israel Wins either way at the cost of all those around them.
Blood Libel
You choose your path and I will walk mine but understand this is not the first time human kind has faced such extinction. If the Jews are truly Gods Chosen .... then they must be with Him to save the world.
We are not in disagreement.
What if my ideology refers to you as cattle?
Only to racISTS and race hustlers…imo.
No he has a point.
Race and genetics go hand in hand and does play a great role in strength and intellect.
Now over time and evolution we can discuss but to out-right deny it plays a factor is ignorance.