A Question Queue for Q's Q & A!
Q's post number 4965 responds to an Anon question regarding the possibility of a future Question and Answer thread.
With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to start a sticky thread with potential questions that The Great Awakening community could bring to Q's attention in the coming days.
Let's try to keep these questions concise, and reasonable. There is no sense in asking questions like "how long until the happenings," or such things. Let's brainstorm some questions of real substance and value to the Q operation, and our position in that mission as Anons and Patriots.
What do you wish most to ask Q about?
It's almost crazy to say but I really don't have any questions I need answered. They seem to know just when to dribble a bit more info out and allow us to digest it.
Most of my questions are selfish in nature--just trying to get a better idea of the battlefield. What are the origins of Omicron (is Trump referring to Omicron in any way when he takes credit for the vaccines) and how safe are the vaccinated and what can we do to help them? How much can our individual actions shift the plan or is it mostly set in stone? Have the white hats taken control of cabal news/media and if so what percent? Will we ever get to learn what is on the Timberwolf funeral notes? Will unity with the Left actually lead to healthy political identity and debate (balancing masculine/feminine energy appropriately)? Do the Amish already have it all figured out? Will we ever be able to talk about Q with NPCs? Are some people genuine NPCs? What's in Antarctica?
Yep, what the hell is in Antarctica and how does it tie in with everything else?
My Amish friend said plenty of issues in his community but I think he was being polite.
Mature Pepe wisdom.