A Question Queue for Q's Q & A!
Q's post number 4965 responds to an Anon question regarding the possibility of a future Question and Answer thread.
With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to start a sticky thread with potential questions that The Great Awakening community could bring to Q's attention in the coming days.
Let's try to keep these questions concise, and reasonable. There is no sense in asking questions like "how long until the happenings," or such things. Let's brainstorm some questions of real substance and value to the Q operation, and our position in that mission as Anons and Patriots.
What do you wish most to ask Q about?
Trump invited everyone specifically so that the Antifags would stand out against a sea of true patriots.
It also may have provided cover for white hats to run counter-ops. What if the DS intended for a pipe bomb to go off that day?
Would make sense if the set-up was supposed to be worse. Make it an actual attack, like their narrative claimed. Maybe if and when their FF got shut down by the white hats, they just rolled with the narrative anyway, even though it didn't make sense anymore.
Thank you for the reply
Not convincing enough, though, for what happened to the poor patriot guinea pigs who got suckered into the sausage grinder. Still rotting in solitary in a DC torture dungeon. In the United States of America. It is mind numbing that such a thing is real.