A Question Queue for Q's Q & A!
Q's post number 4965 responds to an Anon question regarding the possibility of a future Question and Answer thread.
With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to start a sticky thread with potential questions that The Great Awakening community could bring to Q's attention in the coming days.
Let's try to keep these questions concise, and reasonable. There is no sense in asking questions like "how long until the happenings," or such things. Let's brainstorm some questions of real substance and value to the Q operation, and our position in that mission as Anons and Patriots.
What do you wish most to ask Q about?
Well, that was long and multifaceted. I've got a busy day ahead, but wanted to get in a brief reply to some of your points as a placeholder for me to come back and review this in detail. In a future world without DS scum (and it's going to take a long time to reach that point, imho) I foresee a boom in domestic manufacturing as well as creativity/inventions (aka once the murder thugs are eradicated). The DS plan was always to weaken America which is why, as part of that strategy, they offshored our production. The prohibitive regulations you mentioned are part of that and can be quashed like a bug just as the DS will be.
Your UBI discussion is interesting. I agree that, in an environment where UBI would be deemed appropriate for society to at least try and study the effects of, the financially-comfortable fellow citizens should get their grand just like everyone else - especially since they paid into the system doling out the infusion.
Finally, with regard to the very interesting topic u/Qanaut brought up, Data Sovereignty, and particularly your focus on the topic... I personally resent having companies feel they have the right to listen in to my private conversations, sell that to marketing firms and subsequently have them shove marketing information down my proverbial throat. I suppose it boils down to whether or not one trusts any of these people who steal your data to always do the right thing. I do not trust them, and never have.
I'll get back to you later if I get the time.