Nothing new under the sun. All things were made by him and for him. Do not fear. If you are sealed with the mark of YHWH you will be fine. Your flesh is temporary. Make no quick decisions. Pray about everything. God has you in the palm of his hands and he can supernaturally heal anything he pleases. He is the creator of those who create. He created Satan. I am done with looking at the world through the lense of my flesh. Spirit is all I have that I can depend on. YHWH have your will be done and thank you for allowing me to live in this time to experience all of this for myself. I cannot wait to be awakened into a greater consciousness. In the blink of an eye I shall be transformed. I shall shed corruptible and put on incorruptible. Praise God and his son who he sent to redeem me. Yeshua, Joshua, The living Christ!
The preservation of our DNA is vital and there is a war out to change it. First was the Vax, MRNA flu shots are coming last I read, but I imagine altered food may be one they may try. I mean they’re experimenting with marketing and deception to get people to eat bugs, so where’s the limit?
God gave us our DNA, it does make sense for those evil to try and blind anyone from God and lead them away from Him by any means possible.
Avoiding injections is a good idea. The mRNA stuff will alter your DNA (latest report says within 6 hours). Protecting your DNA may also mean that we should avoid letting information about our DNA be collected, etc.
However, DNA is not easy to modify. Eat well, and watch out for contaminants of course, but I am fairly certain that food or drink is not a viable vector that could be used to make changes to people's DNA... as far as we know at least. I hope that is true.
On another topic - has anyone noticed the first 3 questions of the Q drop are literally mind boggling? What info is contained in our DNA, who put it there, and why? Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.
The answers to those questions would basically be diving into to the nature of existence itself - the "meaning and purpose of life" sort of thing... Holy crap.
Ty, and I couldn’t agree more, the methods to do such a thing sound like they are wildly science fiction at this point.
On the topic you mentioned is indeed true.
We are living through some of the most significant parts of history and our existence. Of what is yet to be unveiled before us will be biblical! The power of what is coming is immense, we can feel it and we can see the fear and in the actions of our enemies, they can’t stop what is coming!
Nothing new under the sun. All things were made by him and for him. Do not fear. If you are sealed with the mark of YHWH you will be fine. Your flesh is temporary. Make no quick decisions. Pray about everything. God has you in the palm of his hands and he can supernaturally heal anything he pleases. He is the creator of those who create. He created Satan. I am done with looking at the world through the lense of my flesh. Spirit is all I have that I can depend on. YHWH have your will be done and thank you for allowing me to live in this time to experience all of this for myself. I cannot wait to be awakened into a greater consciousness. In the blink of an eye I shall be transformed. I shall shed corruptible and put on incorruptible. Praise God and his son who he sent to redeem me. Yeshua, Joshua, The living Christ!
The preservation of our DNA is vital and there is a war out to change it. First was the Vax, MRNA flu shots are coming last I read, but I imagine altered food may be one they may try. I mean they’re experimenting with marketing and deception to get people to eat bugs, so where’s the limit?
God gave us our DNA, it does make sense for those evil to try and blind anyone from God and lead them away from Him by any means possible.
Avoiding injections is a good idea. The mRNA stuff will alter your DNA (latest report says within 6 hours). Protecting your DNA may also mean that we should avoid letting information about our DNA be collected, etc.
However, DNA is not easy to modify. Eat well, and watch out for contaminants of course, but I am fairly certain that food or drink is not a viable vector that could be used to make changes to people's DNA... as far as we know at least. I hope that is true.
On another topic - has anyone noticed the first 3 questions of the Q drop are literally mind boggling? What info is contained in our DNA, who put it there, and why? Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.
The answers to those questions would basically be diving into to the nature of existence itself - the "meaning and purpose of life" sort of thing... Holy crap.
Ty, and I couldn’t agree more, the methods to do such a thing sound like they are wildly science fiction at this point.
On the topic you mentioned is indeed true. We are living through some of the most significant parts of history and our existence. Of what is yet to be unveiled before us will be biblical! The power of what is coming is immense, we can feel it and we can see the fear and in the actions of our enemies, they can’t stop what is coming!