Husband working at poll. Last week of early voting. Cobb County which is pretty Republican. Says it’s total madness. 1000 people since 7 am and steady line out the door. Much heavier traffic than general election early voting. We heard that Saturday early voting was insane. The apathy we experienced in January 2021 when we got Warnock because so many stayed home after the steal is not apparent this time. Interestingly he says cheating at precinct level is impossible. Too many safeguards. If cheating happens it will be much higher up the chain.
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You got Warnock last time because they cheated. I was watching the numbers come in and he was losing. Then when there was about 15% left, they bumped the number up to 25%. Not long after that, he got a huge boost and took the lead. By the time it got back down to 15%, he had the lead. It was stolen, period. That is when they dropped in the voters that didn't vote, but were voted for. It was at poll closing time, so they KNEW those people weren't going to vote, so they dropped them in. That's my theory, at least. Oh, and when that boost came, it was NOT from Fulton or Cobb Counties, as those numbers didn't budge. So, where the hell DID they come from? My guess is Runbeck.
We still haven't fixed 2020. I don't see how anyone can think that we can simply win by voting more. The real question is, should we even vote?
Fixing the electoral process is the number one issue for preservation of the American Republic.
Everything flows from our elections. If they are corrupt the government is corrupt. And they are corrupt.
We'll see if the SCOTUS is going to wade into this mess and wipe out a lot of the corruption with the Brunson v. Adams et al violation of oath of office case.
Even a full 9 - 0 affirmation of violation by the SCOTUS is not going to wipe out the electoral corruption at the state level.
9 - 0 for Brunson would be one of the most significant things the SCOTUS has ever done but still it would be insufficient to clean our elections. That's how deep and pervasive electoral corruption is.
Corruption of elections in America is the last stand for the globalists. America is all that stands between here and full realization of the globalist, feudal royals-and-serfs society on a depopulated earth. If they can't take America down their plan cannot succeed.
In my view, if the SCOTUS does not hear Brunson, or hears it but rules against Brunson for some obscure reason, then the military option is the final resort.
I do not think the slim margins we may get in the House and Senate will suffice to effect significant changes in the Republic. The left is a disciplined block-vote and they are murderous in method. We all know that.
A narrow majority for the right is fragile.
The military is the only way. All branches of government are corrupt, and most politicians/bureaucrats have been compromised. Keep remembering it's a movie. I'm tired of popcorn, but whatcha going to do.