You cannot add to or remove from the Bible without suffering God's wrath
The overall meaning of the Bible has not changed with each new edition. The new editions were developed to make the Bible more readable and to capture the divine inspiration that's always there
If you took the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible and read the same passage, you would find that they are essentially the same in every way, but you would likely have an easier time understand the New American Standard Bible
The King James Version modified the Geneva Bible(which the US was using) because the Geneva Bible included study notes that promoted's less that he edited the Bible directly and more that he removed the study notes which promote freedom
All of this said, ultimately in the end we all have to develop our personal relationship with God, and he gives us the ability to discern the truth. All one has to do to understand that what I'm saying is true is spend some time reading the Bible
Why is there a King James version if the 1st English Bible was made by King Henry VIII? How do you know these Kings and churches didn't change the original pages to suit their own needs for governance .
And New Age Movement doesnt delete the Bible or the teaching of Christ at all, it embraces them fully along with all other religons and is just additive material that focus on higher consciousness, mindfulness, and knowing more of the cosmic universe and origins we live in more.
Do you feel doing Yoga or meditation is anti Christian?
How do YOU know that any of the history that's in the world is accurate? Fake news, fake science, fake history, and absolutely fake religions. Somehow I have a feeling that you can't prove without a single doubt that said kings and churches acted as you say....unless you're talking about Catholicism
The CCP isn't exactly known for doing good things now are they?
The New Age Movement can embrace the gospel if it wants, but if the folks there embrace the gospel then why not take it a step further and acknowledge that Christ is our Savior?
No, I don't believe yoga or meditation is anti-Christian, but I can see where that viewpoint comes from. Up till this point, I would imagine most people who've been reading my Christian-related posts assume that I've been a member of the church for decades or something. The reality is, I've been a Buddhist(since my Korean family were Buddhist), I've been a Taoist, and I've been a New Ager. I've done energy work, yoga, tai chi, meditation, and I've even done magic.
I've also unwittingly taken a demon into myself and experienced demonic possession
The ONLY thing that rid me of that demon was the power of Jesus' name. I don't mean "Sananda the Ascended Master" I mean Jesus Christ our savior. When I called on Jesus to expel the demon completely, fully, and totally, the presence was gone. Till this day, that demon's presence still remains gone, and whenever I feel the presence of vile spirits around my home I invoke Jesus' holy name to drive them out
Furthermore, due to my energy work experience, I can feel ki. I can also feel the divinity of the holy ghost. Unlike the electrical and hot nature of ki, it feels like golden light radiating far and wide
My conversion to Christianity comes from realizing the infallible power of God. Prayer has done infinitely more for me in the past 2 years than 10 years of using the Law of Attraction. I also have peace of mind knowing that my soul will be saved. I don't have to worry about raising my light quotient or gathering enough energy to ascend
Also, while this point wasn't specifically mentioned, I make a very distinct difference between old world knowledge, antiquitech, and things such as sacred geometry. For some reason, many in the New Age movement gobble those things up and make it apart of that movement, when in reality they should be separate things
You cannot add to or remove from the Bible without suffering God's wrath
The overall meaning of the Bible has not changed with each new edition. The new editions were developed to make the Bible more readable and to capture the divine inspiration that's always there
If you took the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible and read the same passage, you would find that they are essentially the same in every way, but you would likely have an easier time understand the New American Standard Bible
The King James Version modified the Geneva Bible(which the US was using) because the Geneva Bible included study notes that promoted's less that he edited the Bible directly and more that he removed the study notes which promote freedom
All of this said, ultimately in the end we all have to develop our personal relationship with God, and he gives us the ability to discern the truth. All one has to do to understand that what I'm saying is true is spend some time reading the Bible
Ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Why is there a King James version if the 1st English Bible was made by King Henry VIII? How do you know these Kings and churches didn't change the original pages to suit their own needs for governance .
The Chinese Gov just this year stated its releasing a China Bible which changes the story:
And New Age Movement doesnt delete the Bible or the teaching of Christ at all, it embraces them fully along with all other religons and is just additive material that focus on higher consciousness, mindfulness, and knowing more of the cosmic universe and origins we live in more.
Do you feel doing Yoga or meditation is anti Christian?
>Do you feel doing Yoga or meditation is anti Christian?
IS YOGA DEMONIC!? Certified Yoga Instructor Tells All
Yes, I've heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Yes, I've heard of the Book of Enoch
Yes, I've heard of the Book of Q(lol)
How do YOU know that any of the history that's in the world is accurate? Fake news, fake science, fake history, and absolutely fake religions. Somehow I have a feeling that you can't prove without a single doubt that said kings and churches acted as you say....unless you're talking about Catholicism
The CCP isn't exactly known for doing good things now are they?
The New Age Movement can embrace the gospel if it wants, but if the folks there embrace the gospel then why not take it a step further and acknowledge that Christ is our Savior?
No, I don't believe yoga or meditation is anti-Christian, but I can see where that viewpoint comes from. Up till this point, I would imagine most people who've been reading my Christian-related posts assume that I've been a member of the church for decades or something. The reality is, I've been a Buddhist(since my Korean family were Buddhist), I've been a Taoist, and I've been a New Ager. I've done energy work, yoga, tai chi, meditation, and I've even done magic.
I've also unwittingly taken a demon into myself and experienced demonic possession
The ONLY thing that rid me of that demon was the power of Jesus' name. I don't mean "Sananda the Ascended Master" I mean Jesus Christ our savior. When I called on Jesus to expel the demon completely, fully, and totally, the presence was gone. Till this day, that demon's presence still remains gone, and whenever I feel the presence of vile spirits around my home I invoke Jesus' holy name to drive them out
Furthermore, due to my energy work experience, I can feel ki. I can also feel the divinity of the holy ghost. Unlike the electrical and hot nature of ki, it feels like golden light radiating far and wide
My conversion to Christianity comes from realizing the infallible power of God. Prayer has done infinitely more for me in the past 2 years than 10 years of using the Law of Attraction. I also have peace of mind knowing that my soul will be saved. I don't have to worry about raising my light quotient or gathering enough energy to ascend
Also, while this point wasn't specifically mentioned, I make a very distinct difference between old world knowledge, antiquitech, and things such as sacred geometry. For some reason, many in the New Age movement gobble those things up and make it apart of that movement, when in reality they should be separate things