Also keep in mind that the Bible has been edited many times by different powers that be. They could have easily removed parts of the new age movement from the pages ages ago to hide that information from the masses. The elites use this hidden information to help them control the world and hide it from those they want to control. Who ever controls your thoughts controls you. New age movement is mostly about controlling your thoughts and focusing within.
How edited? Are we talking typos and phrasing? Or are we talking changing the absolute and complete meaning of the books, or even just they key parts of the books?
Lol. NGL this Starseed likes this meme.
They really won't...
There's a reason Q references the Bible, not new age
Also keep in mind that the Bible has been edited many times by different powers that be. They could have easily removed parts of the new age movement from the pages ages ago to hide that information from the masses. The elites use this hidden information to help them control the world and hide it from those they want to control. Who ever controls your thoughts controls you. New age movement is mostly about controlling your thoughts and focusing within.
How edited? Are we talking typos and phrasing? Or are we talking changing the absolute and complete meaning of the books, or even just they key parts of the books?