If you consider yourself 'Awakened', you should be familiar with this pending SCOTUS case.
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Well stated anon. Each individual will have their own precipice, no doubt.
Strictly speaking of societies and populations, it wouldn't take much to spur America. Shit, a repeat of the 70s gas crisis would do it. Or, it doesnt even have to be gas.... Cant buy cigarettes, booze, gas, groceries, etc? That'll cause the normie working class silent majority to go postal!
After all, the only reason they haven't went all torches and pitchforks is they've had the underlying support of routine/survival to fall back on...
"Wait... So gas is $10 a gallon, it's rationed, there's no vices for me to purchase to relieve stress... And even if I could at least work and provide an income for my family I can't because I spent all day attempting to buy gas, smokes, etc so I could keep on keeping on in the labor/tax slave system? Well... Time for torches!"
Turn off the part of the machine that keeps the working class repeating their routine and then you'll see the public at the precipice faster than Creep Joe's leg hair turning blonde at a Summer pool party.
We keep talking about economic and authoritarian precipes but what about the physical precipes that our bodies can endure with all the weapons being used against us.... poisoning our food and water, chemtrails, fluoride, 5G, vaxes.......
What happens when all the vaxxed find out the truth about what was put in them. That may be bigger than economic collapse