Justin Timberlake has got his supplies points to kids
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it says "watch on youtube" click on it and it takes you to their site
K. Thanks.
I just assumed that he was part of the cabal. Interesting.
Interesting video. The symbolisms seem to point to the fact that Justin is trying to take down the Cabal's all seeing eyes (pyramid). The children said, "Wake up." before the line on the channel blurred almost recall
black out incoming - qposts The Outer Limit - We control your vertical and horizontal.
Lot to unpack. That glitched out car scene, why include some cheesey hanging out the car? Who’s the “driver” who’s in control of the wheel?
That little girl at the end, notice the red cap, a receiver antennae for control, like the diamond you pluck above a sim and control/move them around.