Just my own gut, but most of the time I drive on by anything MTG says. She seems like the same shit as all the others to me. Loaded with creepy crawlies. And self- obsessed. " look what I did, mommy!"
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we'll see. Probably not allowed to know bc I'm an iddy biddy pee-on. But I see all these ppl in politics as an illusion and a drug. Trump shows signs of something different, but apart from him, I don't notice many others.
Just my own gut, but most of the time I drive on by anything MTG says. She seems like the same shit as all the others to me. Loaded with creepy crawlies. And self- obsessed. " look what I did, mommy!" Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we'll see. Probably not allowed to know bc I'm an iddy biddy pee-on. But I see all these ppl in politics as an illusion and a drug. Trump shows signs of something different, but apart from him, I don't notice many others.