Anons we’ve had plenty of posts on the upcoming Supreme Court Case 22-380. People have been posting on why it’s important, will it fly or not fly. Well Juan O’Savin brings up one of the best discussions really coming to a head or the point starting at 12min in and reaches the mountain top point at 14ish, finishing gloriously at 18min!! But hearing the 2-3 min leading up is so important for context! See the linked Rumble video below. Anyway I’ve read the entire case, and listened carefully to Juan, and of course every one of his videos spanning near 2 years.
But in this video Juan seriously gets to the point of why this case is being taken up and why it’s soooooo important to the Supreme Court!! Pay attention please.
To summarize, the Lame-Duck Congress or even new Congress is per plan, the heads of the parties (Juan does not name but I Am) Shumer, McConnel and McCarthy, are going all in on “de-fanging” the Supreme Court for Roe vs Wade and other lesser decisions or Future decisions by: removing their “lifetime appointments”, “packing the court”, and other sneaky legislation to neuter their 3rd Branch powers. All of The Legislative Pieces To De-Fang them are already set to be voted on by committees and main houses! It’s already to go and the Supreme Court now has wind of all this!
So, what do they do?! Toss the case? Let the legislative moves happen then fight it later, going up against TWO Known Compromised Branches? Or do they take the defensive to save their Constitutional duty, and take Theeee Only Chance they have before ANY Of The Pieces of Cabal legislation can be heard, and obliterate all of the treason, killing two Birds with ONE STONE! David vs Goliath!! THIS Is BIBLICAL!!
Am I making Sense from Juan? Of course he is also extremely clear once he gets into this piece. And holy crap is it that ONE Chance to get it right! Just One Chance for Freedom!
So if they: toss the case, it’ll be seen as failure to defend Constitution. Legislations will take place and they’ll be pretty much neutered, packed, term limited, Years Of Legal Battles after while Biden destroys America fully.
If they take it and uphold case; they will need to use the US Marshals or military to remove treasonous parties, to install correct politicians once military sorts it out, or Put In Rightful President and have new elections. If This Happens, here is where I see the Democrats and RINOs joining to RHEEEEE, Death of America! The DemoLibs and media would flip completely out and rage as they go down in the greatest RRRHHHEEEEE Storm ever!
The Econ will collapse, but all the info/data on elections will FLOOD out! The Plan! This will also reverse ALL LEGISLATIVE Pieces and VOTING all the way back before the 2020 Election! VOIDING ALL Federal Stuff the last 6 years in One Blow!! And the Supreme Court saves itself, the Constitution, and Republic in one TOTALLY LEGAL CASE and move. CHECKMATE! And Trump did nothing on its face to make it happen! 4 Trumpet Players from Utah did, and brought down Jericho’s walls! It’s could be truly that Biblical moment!
Will there be legal fights, heck yes and all sorts of turmoil, but it’ll be quickly squashed because The Military Will by law be dictating what goes on until shit gets straightened out period.
Will this happen?! That is thee trillion dollar question only the Supreme Court can answer. God give us all strength and the glory to see what ever unfolds through. Because no matter what, Where We Go One We Go All, together.
I know there is a lot of back and forth by people saying "He claims he is JFK Jr" and "He is not JFK Jr", but I have never once seen anything he said that amounts to alluding or insinuating he is JFK Jr.
Can you point me to a video where he actually does it? I have watched most of his videos since 2020.
As Autists we need to judge people by the fruit of their labor and not their personalities. Judging Juan by the fruit of his labour is a very rewarding task. Why? Because on the offset it feels like the fruits are almost non existant.
He made plenty of predictions - some of them laughable (like Trump getting arrested, Trump being reinstated before Apr 1 2021, Biden Harris destroying each other before Thanksgiving 2021, etc etc) - and one might easily be tempted to write him off as crank.
But. Thinking a bit more deeply can show us the role he is really playing (either wittingly or unwittingly). I believe that he is the prime disinformation channel for the WHs. Whenever they want the Cabal to think they will do certain action and want to make them panic, they deploy Juan.
I believe the SCOTUS case may or may not go as planned, but this case is definitely a very power chess move, and will get the Cabal to panic. Will this be the move that will actually get them to collapse the markets? Fake nuke war? Precipice? One can hope.
But one thing is for sure. The whole story about congress trying to get rid of this scotus and scotus using this case as a defence - I think thats just cover. There is no way even the stupid Cabal will try and use lame duck congress to dilute the Scotus.