It would be interesting to compare tweets of each account before and after this message. Could this message be a kind of marker for when military has taken control of the account? Like that recent tweet from the girl from Who’s the Boss about Volkswagen. That seems too perfect a set-up to not be intentional. Even the way Ye came out against Balenciaga a few weeks before their pedophile campaign, then suddenly here they are issuing an apology for pedophilia. It’s like an Information War roll out. Even this Supreme Court case they featured seems like a set up for the next part of this narrative, as if White Hats wanted to draw attention to that ruling for their own narrative purposes. When Q said we were watching a movie, I think that might be what he meant. That the military had already taken over and this was all a scripted debrainwashing campaign. Looking back since Q started at all the various news cycles and narratives, doesn’t it all seem so perfectly scripted for awakening?
It would be interesting to compare tweets of each account before and after this message. Could this message be a kind of marker for when military has taken control of the account? Like that recent tweet from the girl from Who’s the Boss about Volkswagen. That seems too perfect a set-up to not be intentional. Even the way Ye came out against Balenciaga a few weeks before their pedophile campaign, then suddenly here they are issuing an apology for pedophilia. It’s like an Information War roll out. Even this Supreme Court case they featured seems like a set up for the next part of this narrative, as if White Hats wanted to draw attention to that ruling for their own narrative purposes. When Q said we were watching a movie, I think that might be what he meant. That the military had already taken over and this was all a scripted debrainwashing campaign. Looking back since Q started at all the various news cycles and narratives, doesn’t it all seem so perfectly scripted for awakening?