254 Remember the Q post with the boxes of what was presumably iPhones? What if the X phones are already made? (h/t u/TCPatriot) (see context/top comment) (qalerts.app) 🍎 OCCUPY APPLE 🍎 posted 2 years ago by catsfive (context) 2 years ago by catsfive +256 / -2 Intel Drop #2336 >>333 87 comments share 87 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Nice. I was looking at this one: https://puri.sm/products/librem-5-usa/
Your device is much more affordable although the device site seems to be in German? Makes me wonder if it'll work on networks in the U.S.
Hmmm, I did not see German there. Will take another look. Yeah the Purism is quite pricey....made in US though. If I had the $$, I'd probably go for that one.
Clicking on "Order Here" will take you here: https://volla.online/de/shop/index.php?catalog/tag/ubuntu+touch/date/1
Ah, I can see right now in the URL that it's a German site. Thank you; I had not got to doing that because I am nowhere ready to order anything. 👍