Just like parents going up against school boards and calling out the board members for the filth they're forcing on children...
When these good people talk about the pain and loss that the lies and deception have caused, these sick fucks in charge COULD NOT CARE LESS. In fact causing good people pain and suffering, knowing that good people are being destroyed is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They get off on others suffering.
These people in charge are psychopaths. They have no capacity for compassion, no moral or ethical compass, no conscience and if anyone thinks that by speaking out they're going to shame these beasts, they're sorely mistaken.
When the likes of Nanci Pelosi or her slimy nephew Gavin Newsom look out at the sea of suffering homeless they've deliberately caused in their cities, when Lori Lightfoot gets the daily reports of the number of citizens murdered in her city, made possible by deliberate mismanagement of that city and when these Japanese officials, hearing of the loss and pain and suffering, the incredulity of good people who trusted these officials to keep them safe (only to realize with horror that they were deceived) get this kind of feedback, the beasts get off on it. These beasts LIKE this. They like to know they're making people suffer and die.
These beasts aren't incompetent; this is deliberate. These Japanese officials aren't going home at night feeling remorse or shame. The nursing home resident-killing governor's like Cuomo and Murphy aren't horrified that they made bad decisions - they knew exactly what they were doing. Crimes against humanity.
People need to get away from trying to appeal to the beasts' "humanity" (sic) because these psychopaths don't have any. These types of videos are important for other good people to view, even for the sadly brainwashed sheep to view, but those psychopaths in charge have no shame. They didn't take the experimental drugs themselves, but they deliberately pushed others to take them. It's high time people come to terms with the fact that truly evil people walk amongst us - and they've inserted themselves into positions of influence where they can destroy all that is good. The nature of the beast.
Just like parents going up against school boards and calling out the board members for the filth they're forcing on children...
When these good people talk about the pain and loss that the lies and deception have caused, these sick fucks in charge COULD NOT CARE LESS. In fact causing good people pain and suffering, knowing that good people are being destroyed is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They get off on others suffering.
These people in charge are psychopaths. They have no capacity for compassion, no moral or ethical compass, no conscience and if anyone thinks that by speaking out they're going to shame these beasts, they're sorely mistaken.
When the likes of Nanci Pelosi or her slimy nephew Gavin Newsom look out at the sea of suffering homeless they've deliberately caused in their cities, when Lori Lightfoot gets the daily reports of the number of citizens murdered in her city, made possible by deliberate mismanagement of that city and when these Japanese officials, hearing of the loss and pain and suffering, the incredulity of good people who trusted these officials to keep them safe (only to realize with horror that they were deceived) get this kind of feedback, the beasts get off on it. These beasts LIKE this. They like to know they're making people suffer and die.
These beasts aren't incompetent; this is deliberate. These Japanese officials aren't going home at night feeling remorse or shame. The nursing home resident-killing governor's like Cuomo and Murphy aren't horrified that they made bad decisions - they knew exactly what they were doing. Crimes against humanity.
People need to get away from trying to appeal to the beasts' "humanity" (sic) because these psychopaths don't have any. These types of videos are important for other good people to view, even for the sadly brainwashed sheep to view, but those psychopaths in charge have no shame. They didn't take the experimental drugs themselves, but they deliberately pushed others to take them. It's high time people come to terms with the fact that truly evil people walk amongst us - and they've inserted themselves into positions of influence where they can destroy all that is good. The nature of the beast.