The font sizes don't match - Compare "BIOS" and "All Rights Reserved" with the rest and their pixels do not line up. The pixels of the Greek font do not line up with the other fonts either. A CRT will have pixels that are in line with one another; one big grid. It would be a little off because of the curvature of the monitor glass, but nothing like what is seen here. A cute, fake screen shot.
1 hour in and riveted.
CAA from above:
This thing is damn good. I'm at 40 minutes. It's so good I'm thinking the White Hats made it.
The font sizes don't match - Compare "BIOS" and "All Rights Reserved" with the rest and their pixels do not line up. The pixels of the Greek font do not line up with the other fonts either. A CRT will have pixels that are in line with one another; one big grid. It would be a little off because of the curvature of the monitor glass, but nothing like what is seen here. A cute, fake screen shot.