To save almost 8600 lives is probably more than most medical staff do over the course of their entire career.. though I bet the establishment was frothing at the mouth to vaxx all the people that escaped the clotshot.
She injected them with SALINE! Saying saltwater to give a negative connotation is sad. While saline is technically saltwater albeit the exact proper mixture of saltwater for your body never will you hear about nurses hooking bags of saltwater to patients. So tired of pissant journos choosing ridiculous words to change thought and their evil editors that allow them to get away with it.
To save almost 8600 lives is probably more than most medical staff do over the course of their entire career.. though I bet the establishment was frothing at the mouth to vaxx all the people that escaped the clotshot.
She knew and she did something about it. 💯
Bless her
She earned her wings and now she ascends..
more of a hero if you ask me
She injected them with SALINE! Saying saltwater to give a negative connotation is sad. While saline is technically saltwater albeit the exact proper mixture of saltwater for your body never will you hear about nurses hooking bags of saltwater to patients. So tired of pissant journos choosing ridiculous words to change thought and their evil editors that allow them to get away with it.
Moar of this!!!
Who says there is no justice in the world?
Was it just her doing it?..I did wonder if a lot of the drugs had been swopped out by the alliance
The daily mail is redpilling a lot one time I used to comment and I was amazed at what I got away with.
How much is going on behind the scenes?
Saw a photograph of Simon cowell.....stepford wives again...
What a fucking hero!