28 years old is when we stop growing, this having our body changing. We get fat from the now useless calories which until then helped us grow, at least no strong hormonal process dictates our fears of change. Most of us are now responsible parents and have had a job enough year to actually accept responsibilities. Some even were successful enough to start a proper business. These people don’t base their voting upon political flattery or media emotional soup but rather according to their experience as adults.
I cannot believe NZ wants 16 yo to vote. Would you trust a huge chunk of immatures who trust Greta Thunberg to decide for you?
Sorry (I am not), I had to get this out.
Age does not dictate responsibility, knowledge, judgment or maturity. As with all generalizations, there are exceptions. Once upon a time, teenagers were considered to be full fledged adults. The responsibilities of adulthood were fully realized by them. Today we consider 18, 21 and 25 to be milestones in adulthood. We have pushed responsibility and accountability further and further and the level of immaturity has followed. Perhaps we need to reverse this trend and start holding young adults fully accountable and responsible for their actions instead of furthering the age of majority.