Elon Musk started building electric cars.
Virtue signalers just HAD to show off their virtue by having an electric car.
Virtue signalers also just HAD to insist that government push electric cars on everyone, like it or not.
This drove the price of Tesla stock ... to the Moon!
The huge increase in stock price made Elon Musk a multi-billionaire.
Elon used some of his billions to buy Twitter.
Elon bought Twitter and discovered the horror of what the leftists were doing to suppress viewpoints they didn't like.
As free speech becomes more and more restored in the world, nothing the leftists push can possibly succeed due to the fact that, well ... they ain't got no facts to back up their stupidity.
Funny how life works.
The only way the devil can be beat is within the frame work of his own matrix.
This means you need to be wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove.
That's a meme waiting to be made.
Anything but boring.
Now do vaccines ..& faggottry/ transgendism
This is the tide turning. For ages, the bad guys were doing bad things with good people's money. Just wait until the assets of the banksters are seized.
It's surprising how many communist talking points I see again over here, while also seeing usernames like CommiesGetTheRope
"For the banks are made of marble / With a guard at every door / And the vaults are filled with silver / That the farmer sweated for"
How is returning stolen money a communist talking point? Literally all forms of justice require stolen property be returned. I don't have any problems with people being wealthier than me if they got it honestly. What do you think should be done with the Rothschild fortune? Let their heirs keep it?
Seizing the assets of the banks is literally communist goals, bruh
And their whole thing is that the truly wealthy (not doctors who have a large house in the suburbs, but the Madoffs and Rockefellers and Rothschilds and Bobby Koticks of the world) inherently got their wealth dishonestly, by further twisting a system that inherently rewards those who have more than those who have not into one where the elite can just straight up ignore taxes and even receive tax money while the rest of us struggle under taxation. To say nothing of the dishonesty of underpaying their labourers.
No, ending the inequality between capitalists and labor through government control of everything is literally the stated goal of communism, bruh.
By the way, my parents lived under and escaped communism, and clearly you know nothing about it. My mother literally lived in the house of a doctor whose only crime was having was above average wealth and not supporting the Party, and thus be was sent packing to live in a small house while my mom's family and 2 or 3 others were sent to move in. The government controlled everything, including what school you went to, what you did for a living, and your religious practices (I.e., you couldn't have any). Constant surveillance (but with primitive tech back then), no free press, no free speech, no freedom of movement, no competition in business since everything was state-owned. No fair and open justice system, only whatever the Party said was truth. In other words, everything we are trying to stop the elites from doing here and now.
You didn't answer my question. What do YOU think should be done with illegally obtained wealth? Should it go to the criminals' heirs? Didn't Trump say thieves would have to return the diamonds?
This was the liberals, not the leftists. Leftists are against cars in general and for public transportation, herd shuttles, etc. They believe global warming cannot be halted while still allowing for free-spending capitalist expression, and that liberal ideas like electric car and solar panel mandates are band-aid solutions that allow the problem to get worse, but enough people are coddled into thinking they're helping that nothing gets done. See: ratchet effect