220 “The CURE will spread WW” Is the cure the military? Brazil part of the WW spread? (Shout out to OP for image) (media.greatawakening.win) LET'S GOOoOoooo!!! posted 2 years ago by DCSucks 2 years ago by DCSucks +221 / -1 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
the cure is us.
I think the world-wide cure is the collaboration of the people and the military - similar to the movie V for Vendetta.
Brazil might be an example starting next week. Our turn would start with the SC case 22-380.
The cure was Omicron, it spread WW and prevented severe illness. It was made in a white hat lab.
Mark of the Beast masquerading as a Cure.
Cause the problem. Create the solution.
I think it means welcome to The United States of America.
The cure is Truth the disease is Woke Mind Virus.
Maybe ww is world war
ww=World Wide
Yes, but how many times do we see words have two meanings? Many. Maybe the "cure" is to round up the unvaccinated, which causes world war?
I get that is the implication but did Q confirm that is what it means? If not, then world war seems a possibility…
Vaccine being “the cure” could start a world war once it is revealed 100% that it is either intentionally or entirely preventable and from a lab.
Searched Qagg for the word "unprecedented". Only 1 drop came up, thought I'd share that here too. https://qaggregator.news/siteimages/qaggdropimage1317.png
IMO he is setting the stage for the cure of the fraud which means military? new election? Whatever the cure is will be unprecedented because the fraud was unprecedented. We are entering uncharted waters.
Trump is incorrect here. The cure is not unprecedented in history.
The cure is people in mass finding the will to stand up for freedom and put down the cabal.