of course she was now she committed a crime against the constitution so do something about it....this is the big problem they do this shit with no fear of consequences so they will continue to do it....make the punishment so severe that crime doesnt pay...because today it does ...that is the problem in a nutshell....
Hobbs is down on page 45. There are take down requests and e-mails back and forth from Twitter, Facebook, and CISA with dozens of other SOS offices or some Gov entity. There is also some information on pg 90 where they were discussing terms for the Election Reporting Portal which is talked about throughout the doc.
I'm saying it now: the Twitter Files thing is going to destroy the establishment, especially Democrats. The world will know that they are liars, cheaters, and thieves. They are such because their ideas suck, and they know they're unacceptable to the nation unless they jam the bad ideas down everyones' throats by force. Cheating is part of the force they use.
Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up!!!!!!
of course she was now she committed a crime against the constitution so do something about it....this is the big problem they do this shit with no fear of consequences so they will continue to do it....make the punishment so severe that crime doesnt pay...because today it does ...that is the problem in a nutshell....
Oops. I'll bet that wasn't supposed to get out.
How did those get out?
Here is the full 111 pg document 71-8. - https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520/gov.uscourts.lawd.189520.71.8.pdf
Hobbs is down on page 45. There are take down requests and e-mails back and forth from Twitter, Facebook, and CISA with dozens of other SOS offices or some Gov entity. There is also some information on pg 90 where they were discussing terms for the Election Reporting Portal which is talked about throughout the doc.
All of the other documents for this case can be found here - https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/63290154/missouri-v-biden/
I'm saying it now: the Twitter Files thing is going to destroy the establishment, especially Democrats. The world will know that they are liars, cheaters, and thieves. They are such because their ideas suck, and they know they're unacceptable to the nation unless they jam the bad ideas down everyones' throats by force. Cheating is part of the force they use.