Talked to normie friends and family over the weekend. No one, not one, cares about freedom or anything important.
Concerns of normies:
Compliance, they want to make sure they can travel without friction. The restrictions have reduced the number of travelers and that is a good thing to them.
Climate change. They don't know why they care, but they do. Texas fighting back against climate BS makes them mad.
Keeping their government handouts. One wealthy friend wants to keep his kid in a special program and chooses where he lives to keep the funds flowing.
Being around normies makes me feel sick. Thank God for all of you.
I've been working on it for 30 years. Got into marketing because of it and did great selling stuff, but I cannot wake the normies.
You know those parts in the OT where the people would not listen to the prophet? Send a message to that soul and let him know you understand the feeling. And remember where Jesus says if the town would not listen, shake the sand from your shoes and move on? He knew. And the apostles surely learned as well. Reach out to them.
God knows you've honestly tried, He ain't mad. Forgive yourself. Have a virtual bro hug from us, enjoy a cup or mug of something relaxing and take comfort, fren. It's not your fault nor failure.
Thanks fren, needed that.