(My previous post with this got no traction, probably because nobody saw it during night time, therefore once again ...)
The underneath video seems to be high quality content, broad spektrum of information regarding Spike Protein, Gene-editing, Graphene/Hydrogel blood clots, 5G / frequencies and really important to be discussed.
(so don't stop because of the title, it is regarding the "virus" and you "know" that there are no viruses - you are better than that! And yes, I know Lanka.)
Therefore I want to invite you frens to DISCUSS THIS ON A HIGH QUALITY LEVEL AFTER LISTENING TO IT or to segments of it (see timestamps further down below).
Everybody who sees it as bullshit, please also argue with HIGH QUALITY or quick and short.
I will add your input here underneath to collect high quality thoughts, analysis and further digging into this whole information range.
Thanks to FAODAY and RandoMando2A for bringing it up!!!
"COVID is a Technological & Biological Weapon Hybrid - Gene Editing of All Humans"
12:38 is the timestamp where they discuss unvaccinated blood showing exactly same blood clots as those of vaccinated people or those that had covid.
20:40 treatments with infusions eleminates those clots - what kind of infusions?
23:40 regarding the quantum-dot technology in the blood = changes frequencies.
35:47 "qantum-dots omids radition, therefore they are devices and now in our bodies, Thermoficher Scientific owns the patent to this technology.
36:40 Here they start to explain the qdot technology in depth. Also the Moderna patent regarding this.
38:45 qdot technology functions with any source of energy (remember it is an device!) and is equivalent to CAS-9 or CRISPR technology which modifies genes in the cells.
43:47 RECAP: Realization that this is a very important discussion, because it is an gene-editing technology, part biological and part technological = Artificial Intelligence which merges with us on our cellular/DNA level via LIPOSOMS fueled by an (any) energy source. It mimics any cell / our own structure. It is intelligent - it can mimic EVERYTHING.
48:40 Lipid Nano-particles: From Liposomes to mRNA / (developped by the UNITED STATES ARMY 49:35)
49:45 What we are calling an Spike Protein is an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BIOWEAPON !!! It is a dendromere that mimics exomeres and liposomes.
51:00 It is an Artificial Intelligence Weapon THAT MIMICS OUR GENETIC CODES! It looks like a Spike Protein, BUT it is NOT, because it is part technology / part biology.
54:30 Frequency connection: The enormous long blood clots found via autopsy are from metallic/graphene hydrogels forming probably due to frequencies. Carbon based structures with metals in it that are combustable. (pointing also to the work of Mike Adams -> ?). IT GROWS UNDER FREQUENCY !!!
55:10 Do we have clean / clear our blood continously to get this stuff out on a regular basis from now on? The graphene stuff has been found in masks, vaccines, medicals stuff and in all kind of things - we are exposed all the time! (how long does this already is going on?)
58:08 WE HAVE TO WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT ONLY WE CAN STOP IT. We have to recognize THAT THEY IN WAR WITH US AND MURDERING / CHANGING HUMANITY. What are we allowing our governments to do? They are enslaving us, experimenting on us, exterminating on us!!! IT HAS TO STOP! We are the CURE!
What would put 99% of people in the hospital? https://qagg.news/?read=142
There is a war for your DNA / Protect your DNA https://qagg.news/?read=4966
NCWIC - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming !https://qagg.news/?read=4616
IS THIS THE REASON THEY DON'T WANT US TO HAVE IVERMECTIN AND ARTEMISIA ANNUA? Because it is a parasitic technology which could be eliminated with these parasite treatments?
Could this be the reason that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gate, politicians etc. are so confident that their NWO will succeed and why they don't care whether we have stupid, dumb puppets ruling us openly displaying their incompetence?
Could this be the reason a lot of truthers, doctors, researchers became heavy health problems, cancer, died, as this technology is now IN ALL OF OUR BODIES and can be TURNED ON via 5G, frequency attacks? (here in Germany I know a handful truthers which made important video information who got seriously ill !)
Yes, hot topic, but would it answer also:
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Why didn' DJT warn about the vaccines?
Theory: Because it is already too late mostly everybody has probably been "treated" with the Qunantum-Dot-Technology since years?
Thank you very much for the health treatment input!!!
Yes, I read studies regarding blood clots and Ultra-/Infrasound yesterday. Ultrasound would help desolve the clot and another study was about infrasound of Windparks leading to heart diseases. All due to the frequencies/vibrations.
The last one I have to swallow and digest, because while listening to the video it sounded logically, but under the premise that no isolated virus was ever presented your thoughts are also very logical.
But reading your words I assume you have not heard it yourself (timestamp), because they are NOT talking about AI, software and devices in the normal computer sense of these words. And you formulated your critique along MY words and as I am not a biologist ;-) or doctor perhaps there is a mistake in the "transmission".
Would like to hear your critique after you have listened to the segment in question, but if not, also o.k.. Thanks, fren.
What segment? I am not at all technical..but I know bullshit when I hear it. I like it in words so I can study it..is that possible? If you can do that I will look at it but really we already know it's crap when they start talking about merging a row of computer coding with anything!!!
We know germ theory was totally debunked so virus leaking out of Wuhan etc is all lies...
have you seen videos of Dr Kauffman Dr Stefan Lanka and this taster covid19 virology fraud explained in 19 minutes bitchute?
I totally agree with you that viruses are not real. But what if NATURAL viruses aren't real but they have created man-made one. The idea of a virus is that it's something that invades a cell and takes over. What if a biological one doesn't exist but a mechanical/technological one does.?
^These were my thoughts while watching the video tonight.
A virus is real but not in the way it has been defined to the world. A "virus" is a thought or idea that is used to spread a desired outcome such as mass fear. The more exposure it gets the more "viral" it becomes. Fear causes stress and anxiety which snowballs into sleeplessness and not eating properly, etc. Reduces the effectiveness of your immune system so sickness can attack you physically and/or mentally.
What they call a virus is human tissue cell...
Listen to a simplified version of the end of germ theory..
I don't know if I got it right, but she just uses the word virus and refers to it as an exosome. Will have to watch the whole thing again, I may be wrong.
Yes she does....a con job I feel..... quantum dot!
Yes, maybe. This stuff is so hyped, first Stew Peters, then the "Health Ranger" on Natural News, now this. Are they playing us, or is there something to it? Idk. Could be both. I'm better prepared than sorry, so I stocked up my Ivermectin today.
I mean, I have taken tons of stuff over the last two years: Iodine, Chlorine Dioxide Solution (a lot), Ivermectin, Fendendazole, black seed oil, atm I'm on Borax... Call me a junkie and you may be right, but I poisoned my body over the course of the last 30ys heavily. I feel I'm getting rid of all the shit I accumulated, and if it helps to get rid of the shit they are putting on us now, good.
In 2019 I got "floxxed" by taking only two pills of the antibiotic Levofloxacine, it changed my life to the worst. I couldn't sleep for nearly three months, muscle pain, joint pain, mushed up brain, I wasn't myself anymore. The short term cure to it was magnesium and melatonin, so the pain disappeared and I could sleep again, but once I quit the melatonin, I found out I was dependent on it.
One leads to another, and I found out about the Pineal Gland produces melatonin, so I looked up how to de-calcify it. You know, Levofloxacine is a Fluorchinolone, and through some research I found out that it calcifies the Pineal Gland magnitudes higher, than Fluoride does.
Long story short: everything "forbidden" or supressed I took over the last two years made me sleep without melatonin substitiution, I feel better over all, and the most important thing that happened: I feel disconnected from the matrix. I went through different stages of getting unplugged, each time I thought: this is it, another of the above mentioned drugs dragged me out a step further.
So, I think they poison us with "something", and their goal is to never get us disconnected from what they are preparing.
I really take this into account:
"Yes, hot topic, but would it answer also:
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Why didn' DJT warn about the vaccines?
Theory: Because it is already too late mostly everybody has probably been "treated" with the Qunantum-Dot-Technology since years?"
u/eagle-eyes2020 maybe onto something.
Quantum dot is not any esoteric bullshit, but a technology already used in other areas. It is a nano-technology with luminiscient features.
Bill Gates propogated quantum dot tatoos last year for the next plandemic to be used instead of injections. The "benefit" for them: They can check whether somebody is vaccinated w/o showing any proof, because the proof is luminiscient from the body.
I really would like to know why autopsies find those strange super long blood clots also unvaccinated people. And how they get there!
The virus thing is very strange: There is no proof and Lanka makes sense. I am unvaccinated and had only a strange persistent caughing in autumn 2020, but remained healthy until my whole family got really seriously ill in this autumn. All of them were positive and I did the nursing. I had symptoms, but tested negative (needed tests for access to the hospitals). So riddle me that. It is a hoax I know, but some kind of "transmission" of "something is involved. For me I believe it could be frequencies, because I have always had an immediate reaction to ill people, no incubation time for me, but immediate symptoms the same day.
Lanka is a German and I listened to him already years ago here in Germany.
This post already took my night sleep, so I love you very much, but will not transcribe it for you, sorry.
But do the following EASY steps: Click the link, wait until video starts, then move with your cursor the green bar right from the starting sign (triangle) further to the right, until the timer (right from the bar) moves to 43:47. That is the timestamp for your mentioned segment. You are welcome. I look forward to your feedback.
Yes I listened...someone else a while back was talking about all this and got blasted by some very knowledgeable anons..I felt it was dr Kauffman himself!! it was a very similar type of argument and they took over fortunately as I was out of my depth as I am now.
An exosome is human tissue cell ..the same thing as they are calling a virus also is just a human tissue cell.. I hope this helps
Quantum dot. I wish Clif high was on this ...most of quantum is what he fondly calls horseshit!!! ..to me they are snowing us with technical terms to confuse us.
He would give a verdict on all this....my mind is already picturing what he would say!
Can you go to Dr Kauffman or Dr Lanka's website? Or Clif high on substack or sci world at telegram?
Best to ask the experts and we know these are honest people not on the virus gravy train.
Every cell has its own consciousness..we don't need crispr technology...Dr Michael Levin shows how just a very slight electrical charge to the particular cells can grow new teeth..heal spinal injuries etc. Watch him on YouTube.
Answers are always simple I find...blinding people with science seems to be what con men do
Do let me know how you get on...