posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +34 / -0

During the Civil War, President Lincoln approved a set of โ€œInstructions for the Government of the Armies of the United States in the Field,โ€ which inspired other countries to adopt similar codes for their armed forces, and which served as a template for international codifications of the Law of War.

Reading the law of war helps one understand the approach taken by the American military in the complex range of modern conflicts.

On 24 June 2015, The Pentagon released its new book of instructions for waging war legally, wherein it outlined acceptable ways of killing the enemy.

The Department of Defense Law of War Manual, is the first of its kind, serving as an all-in-one guide for all four branches of the military.

Prior to this manual, each branch was responsible for writing its own guidelines for engagement.

Section 11.3; 11.4: 11.6 in the DOD Law of War manual it says if the government is corrupt or is illegitimately, belligerently occupied, the military takes over.

Trump eventually received the DNI report from Ratcliff in January and then was duty-bound to show the military proof of his win.

He probably also showed the corruption and treason of Congressional members and Biden.

The insurrection and takeover of the US government happened on Nov 3rd with the aid of foreign governments.

The Deep State organised Jan 6th false flag to cover up the Insurrection that already occurred on Nov 3rd 2020.

So, with Military Intelligence knowing this and with the inauguration after the Nov 3rd insurrection, they completed the task of fulfilling the occupation of an illegitimate president, so the military had to take over.

If the civilian government fails for any reason, the military can step in & take temporary control of the government while any issues are being rectified, according to the DOD "Law of War" Manual.

As Q has stated previously: