Also, you need to wonder who really won the war of 1812. "Lawyers" need to join the "bar" to "practice" law. What's the bar? Why is it BAR? British Accredited/Accreditation Registry/Registrar/Register? Why do we have "judges" with enormous power? Why are they referred to as "your honor?" Why a noble honorific?
I don't know how my pea brain came about that by itself, but it really makes you think. Were we recaptured by the British?
He was not even close to it. He was a dictator who believed in Federal Supremacy. Doesn't matter who "won" because in the end, We The People, lost.
Also, you need to wonder who really won the war of 1812. "Lawyers" need to join the "bar" to "practice" law. What's the bar? Why is it BAR? British Accredited/Accreditation Registry/Registrar/Register? Why do we have "judges" with enormous power? Why are they referred to as "your honor?" Why a noble honorific?
I don't know how my pea brain came about that by itself, but it really makes you think. Were we recaptured by the British?
And don't forget to take a close look at what happened to the 13th Amendment.
So much has been hidden from us...