I really really really hate twatter... The brain dead libtards that live on there are a special kind of stupid... They spew nothing but insults and no informed content... If they took a second to look up anything about the constitution, their brains would explode...
Section IV Article 4 says the federal government “shall protect each of [the states] against Invasion
He suspended that Constitution the day he took office because he literally TOOK office.
I really really really hate twatter... The brain dead libtards that live on there are a special kind of stupid... They spew nothing but insults and no informed content... If they took a second to look up anything about the constitution, their brains would explode...
Is thisbwhat Trimp was referring to when he posted about the Constitution lastvweek?
Steven Miller is bad ass! We want more of him!!!
Newsflash, he has always ignored it.
Whippty do! He has done a million times worse a million times over.