Yeah, they all really want him to be president. Suuuuure they do!
While NY has bills to mandate for an all, and database in of an all, including an mandatory flu shots. Those were in never vaccines and used by the elderly because they said the shot is from last year's flu and it will make this year's not so bad. In we have heard that in Florida for 35 years!
Not everybody gets them. New York wants to mandate these as well.
This blogger totally ignores the outstanding actions,, as opposed to political "we're going to do some stuff" words, being done by Louisiana and Missouris AGs including their just dropped 400 page deposition of Fauci under oath?
What's up with "Conservative" media and "influencers" hyping Ron and creating the factually false impression that he's lead on anything except, perhaps, resurrecting the pre Trump, base pandering, Establishment Republican politician?
DeSantis 2024 baby! Trump still kisses big pharma's ass and gloats how he's so great that he gave us these clot shot vaccines that are killing people. Yet you clowns call DeSantis the "establishment choice". HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Clowns.
He’s just grandstanding and wasting everybody’s time. Vaccine manufacturers have ‘immunity’ from lawsuits…you can cut the irony with a knife.
I'm taking note of those who are amplifying/praising Rons latest grandstanding stunt.
DeSanctimonious 2024 == Lyin' Ted 2015?
Don't care about manufacturers, I care about the government forcing me at gunpoint to use their poison.
Yeah, they all really want him to be president. Suuuuure they do!
While NY has bills to mandate for an all, and database in of an all, including an mandatory flu shots. Those were in never vaccines and used by the elderly because they said the shot is from last year's flu and it will make this year's not so bad. In we have heard that in Florida for 35 years!
Not everybody gets them. New York wants to mandate these as well.
Found this info on:
Jeff Childers does a great job on this blog. Worth a visit most days.
This blogger totally ignores the outstanding actions,, as opposed to political "we're going to do some stuff" words, being done by Louisiana and Missouris AGs including their just dropped 400 page deposition of Fauci under oath?
What's up with "Conservative" media and "influencers" hyping Ron and creating the factually false impression that he's lead on anything except, perhaps, resurrecting the pre Trump, base pandering, Establishment Republican politician?
He had already talked about Fauci's deposition last week:
Part of the plan to blame Trump
IS TRUMP DOING THIS? NO. Pick a side...
What's "THIS"? Saying " we're gonna do some stuff"? Or was something else being referenced?
"Pick a side".
My side was picked long ago after extensive, primary and vetted secondary sourced research. Obviously, I'm with " TRUMP".
And you?
DeSantis 2024 baby! Trump still kisses big pharma's ass and gloats how he's so great that he gave us these clot shot vaccines that are killing people. Yet you clowns call DeSantis the "establishment choice". HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Clowns.