I do and designed a printable protective case for 2 original Bayer foil-pack aspirin(the foil-packs wear out quick if carried bare in a pocket)
Just like with vaccine regret and it not being helpful to go 'we told you so', this is another way to help and possibly save a life....
Interesting. Cayenne is a very powerful vascular-dialater and will stop a heart attack in its tracks and protect your heart against necrosis.
That is fascinating. Thanks.
I can't emphasize enough that God has provided us the best medicines. Mankind cannot produce medicines that equal what God has already provided us. It is an impossible feat. The natural medicines in Nature have either not been discovered or many have been hidden from us. Only a few; and far too few I might add, are known to us.
Allopathic medicine is behavior that parallels how Lucifer acts. These synthetic 'medicines' are a deceptive imitation of God's Divine works. Big Pharma's chemists and bio-chemists create poor copies that are similar to the molecular compounds found in Nature. This is so it can be patented. In pharma the key to profits is the patentability of the drugs they produce. Anything from Nature unadulterated is not patentable. There's no profit. In the end, we find ourselves with over-priced petro-chemically based highly adulterated drugs sold as "medicines".