The little Puke can Run, but he’s not going to Hide for long !!🤨🤨
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Let's hope for sooner rather than later. And remember he was "just following orders" As evil as he is, there are worse above him!
No doubt… Much worse…
It is more likely the GOP sees him, turns the magnifying glass towards the sun, points the heated beam of light at their own heads and run like cowards. This seems to be their play with election fraud and all other matters! I hate the fucking libtards but the GOP establishment is very pusilanimous (great word).
He's going to hold still in people's yards and pretend to be a garden gnome.
The GOP? The Masters of betrayal and do nothingness. Fauci is quite safe.
Until bitch and Kevin are gone and maga run he party the the GOP wont do anything.