404 Christina Bobb & Team Trump found a document that shows Stephen Richer (Maricopa County Recorder) was coordinating with CISA (Federal government) to manipulate the outcome of the election in Arizona..... (media.greatawakening.win) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸 posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +404 / -0 55 comments download share 55 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Mr. Bannon should have you on his show. A segment to recognize loyal listeners & strong supporters.
I'd probably freak everyone out if I was on there. They'd say I sound too Southern.
If only you could tell your story with Memes on the show. Your accent would be secondary..
Well, yer surely a good ole boy by heart. I reckon I'll just haffta take yer word fer it.
No, I'm not that bad, but I do know people who talk like this.
You write some brilliantly funny and right on point comments..you have a strength to command by fun character.
Don't kid yourself, we love those southern accents! <3 How do you say those words that way??
Which words? Bakker meaning tobacco, Loney Samich meaning Bologna Sandwich. I actually did (strip) tobacco with some backwoods southern people (husbands cousins) who talk like this.