Just created a kind of 40,000 ft view to grasp what is going on in South America:
EDIT: Comment from SaltyKaren: "We need one more to make it 8" !!!!!!!
(Bolivia added. Chile has a volcano eruption -> seperated from the 8 countries with revolutionary turmoil)
-> Today is 12/08 in our series of 8th-day-events! (has someone the list of all those events, so I can include them?):
BRAZIL: https://communities.win/search?params=brazil&community=GreatAwakening
PERU: https://communities.win/search?params=peru&community=GreatAwakening
EL SALVADOR: https://communities.win/search?params=el+salvador&community=GreatAwakening
HONDURAS: https://communities.win/search?params=honduras&community=GreatAwakening
ARGENTINIA: https://communities.win/search?params=argentina&community=GreatAwakening
VENEZUELA: https://communities.win/search?params=venezuela&community=GreatAwakening
BOLIVIA: https://communities.win/search?params=bolivia&community=GreatAwakening
A volcano eruption in Chile:
CHILE: https://communities.win/search?params=chile&community=GreatAwakening
I served my Mormon mission in Veracruz, Mexico back from 03-05. Was definitely a shock to see guys with M-16s riding around in the back of pickup trucks everywhere. Never really knew what they were up to.
My little bro is in Peru on his Mormon mission right now and we just got this message back from his mission president yesterday: