It's hard to know if it's from the vaxx, the increased work demands of having to cover the large number of coworkers out sick, the forced reckoning of having to acknowledge that people are getting ill left and right because of their actions, sleepless nights, or probably some combo of the above, but it is clear the level of functioning of many healthcare workers is dropping. This is especially evident in pharmacies, where I am now seeing multiple errors occur in patients getting prescriptions filled incorrectly, staff getting confused, not answering the phone, and an increased unwillingness to admit they messed something up.
This is going on while competent nurses continue to get more shots for COVID/flu/shingles etc and increasingly struggle with work demands, not able to accept that Big Pharma wants them all gone. These are nurses who have seen family members, including children, get sick from the vaxx, lament they were vaccinated, and continue getting more jabs anyway. "Oh, that was only from the COVID shot. There's nothing wrong with a flu or shingles shot, although I'm not feeling too well after getting one yesterday." Their judgement is abysmal.
Even though I've accepted that this is going to happen on a large scale to many people I know, I find myself less angry than sad watching the self-destruction. They will be missed.
While tragic it is a cautionary tale that humanity has a blindspot. And that blindspot is assuming the worst can not happen.
Once you assume the worst can happen you are capable of seeing the possibility of an optimistic bright future.
Right now they are not admitting the reality of the situation at hand which is causing them to doubt their own futures.