Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the most visited parks in the country. The Appalachian Trail comes through there. I walked a few yards on it one day. I was visiting the monument commemorating when Roosevelt inaugurated the trail.
It's way to fuzzy to be really useful. But the state lines you mentioned are rivers, meaning drownings perhaps. In the eastern half of the country, many property, county, and state lines are defined by natural features, such as water courses and mountain ranges.
Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the most visited parks in the country. The Appalachian Trail comes through there. I walked a few yards on it one day. I was visiting the monument commemorating when Roosevelt inaugurated the trail.
If you're in the woods, be careful if you notice sudden quiet. Like, no birds, no crickets, just quiet.
Sometimes you'll notice a horrible smell. It's a warning that you're trespassing on cryptid land.
Yes, I'm talking Bigfoot and others. Dogman is the one I'd probably worry most about.
Wonder if those cryptids are responsible for kidnapping people? They do live in caves, so I hear.
I'm serious.
It's way to fuzzy to be really useful. But the state lines you mentioned are rivers, meaning drownings perhaps. In the eastern half of the country, many property, county, and state lines are defined by natural features, such as water courses and mountain ranges.