It's coming. My neighbour's daughter got vaxxed, 20y old girl. She wasn't allowed to go to german college without a jab, so she took the killshot. Liver values are off the charts now, she might need a transplant in the near future.
I'm sorry, I can't parse the sentence: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines" It's a kind of triple negative ("no" "escapes" "protection"). And what is modifying what? What is being protected? The variant? The variant escapes the protection of the vaccine"
Or does it mean that the vaccine protects against any variant, which cannot escape? What would the variant escape (your body)?
Make sure you tell your friends and family about oncologists noticing rapidly evolving cancers in their vaccinated patients. Heart inflammation, neurological diseases, etc. are harder for people to grasp, but the word cancer scares the shit out of everyone.
It's coming. My neighbour's daughter got vaxxed, 20y old girl. She wasn't allowed to go to german college without a jab, so she took the killshot. Liver values are off the charts now, she might need a transplant in the near future.
Excellent infographic 10/10
Not only that. FUCK YOU Biden!
if they could all get on a plane and.......
Solid graphic, except the gates quote is literally an admission that it doesn't stop transmission
I'm sorry, I can't parse the sentence: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines" It's a kind of triple negative ("no" "escapes" "protection"). And what is modifying what? What is being protected? The variant? The variant escapes the protection of the vaccine"
Or does it mean that the vaccine protects against any variant, which cannot escape? What would the variant escape (your body)?
We all need reminders of how duplicitous these vermin have been.
Make sure you tell your friends and family about oncologists noticing rapidly evolving cancers in their vaccinated patients. Heart inflammation, neurological diseases, etc. are harder for people to grasp, but the word cancer scares the shit out of everyone.
Hot off the press from a world-class oncologist:
Also make sure to include the article from The Atlantic about another world-class doctor getting cancer after his booster:
100%.. complete protection, total protection, how often did I hear that on the radio and TV every single day.